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Accessibility Plan

In accordance with the Accessible British Columbia Act, Sino Bright School BC has formed an Accessibility Advisory Committee, effective June 2023 and throughout the 2023-24 school year. The role of the committee will be to advise the school  in its development of an accessibility plan that includes identifying, preventing, and removing barriers to accessibility that people with disabilities face within the school.

Modern Architecture

Accessibility at Sino Bright School

Accessibility Feedback


At Sino Bright School, we want to learn about specific barriers that people face when they're trying to:

  • Access a school program, building, or school information

  • Receive a service or support.


Your responses to the questions below will be reviewed by the Sino Bright School Accessibility Advisory Committee for their consideration. This information can be submitted anonymously, or you can provide your contact details at the bottom of the form if you wish to be contacted.


  1. Please provide the date the barrier was experienced.

  2. Please indicate the specific location the barrier was experienced.

  3. What were you or someone you know trying to access?

  4. Accessibility barrier details. [Be as specific as possible].

  5. Do you have any recommendations for what would make it better?

  6. Please provide your name, e-mail or phone number if you would like to be contacted. (Optional)


Thank you for providing your valuable feedback! You will be contacted shortly if you have provided your contact details.

Help us understand the barriers you face when interacting with our organization. This can include, but is not limited to, accessing our buildings, services, communications, or engagement opportunities.



How to provide feedback


Please include the following information:

  • What you were trying to access

  • Where the barrier happened and what the barrier was

  • Any recommendations you might have



Email your feedback to us at Feel free to attach files to help explain the barrier faced, such as a video, photos, or a voice recording.



Call us at 778-379-4999 to speak directly to a staff person.



Drop by our office and speak to one of our staff members about your accessibility concerns.

Our office is located at #300-328 water st. Vancouver, BC


Impairment means a physical, sensory, mental, intellectual or cognitive impairment, whether permanent, temporary or episodic.


Barrier means anything that hinders the full and equal participation in society of a person with an impairment.


Disability means an inability to participate fully and equally in society as a result of the interaction of an impairment and a barrier.


Sino Bright School is a Grade 10-12 High School located in the center of Gastown - Vancouver. Our school specializes and targets the needs of students in preparation for university. With a premium and rigorous academic curriculum,  100 percent of graduates are accepted to Universites around the world. 


Phone:   (778) 379-4999

Fax:         (778) 379-4993


#300- 328 Water Street

Vancouver, BC, Canada

V6B 1B6



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